Our Mission is to Educate and Inspire African American Women and Women of Color to play (and love) golf.

Our Key Pillars


Deliver Best in Class Golf Seminars for New Women Golfers


Collaborate with Business, Community, Professional and Social Organizations


Support Young Women Who Aspire to Golf


Support Advocates Pro Golf Association’s Mission to attract African American and other minorities to the game of golf


Our Seminars

Our beginner SheWhoGolfs seminar is designed for busy women who are interested in playing golf but unsure where to start. We help women identify and overcome barriers that prevent them from entering the sport. We demystify the lingo, cover the basics and encourage relaxation and fun. We offer a safe place to explore the game. No pressure, no judgement. Just fun.

Featured Videos

SheWhoGolfs Featured on Golf Today

SheWhoGolfs was featured on the NBC Golf Channel. President Leslie Billinger was interviewed by Damon Hack on “Golf Today.”

PGA Tour Superstore - Plano, TX

Pre-Round - Stretch Routine


Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

Zen Moment

There are two things you can do with your head down…Golf and Pray.

Empowering Women One Swing at a Time

73% of businesswomen surveyed agree that playing golf has helped them develop relationships and network for business*

73% of businesswomen surveyed agree that playing golf has helped them develop relationships and network for business*

According to the Mayo Clinic people who manage stress tend to live longer and healthier lives. Golf is an amazing stress reliever and centering agent. Let Go. Golf.

According to the Mayo Clinic people who manage stress tend to live longer and healthier lives. Golf is an amazing stress reliever and centering agent. Let Go. Golf.

46% of women surveyed named “exclusion from informal networks” as a key factor holding them back in their career.

46% of women surveyed named “exclusion from informal networks” as a key factor holding them back in their career.

Women need to secure all the tools they can to help them succeed in business. Add Golf to your Toolbox.

Women need to secure all the tools they can to help them succeed in business. Add Golf to your Toolbox.

Glass Hammer study finds that Women think they have to be really good to play golf with others. On the other hand most of the men who golf aren’t nearly as concerned.

Glass Hammer study finds that Women think they have to be really good to play golf with others. On the other hand most of the men who golf aren’t nearly as concerned.

Whether on the course, or on the driving range, golfers of all ages and body types can burn calories simply by walking and swinging away.

Whether on the course, or on the driving range, golfers of all ages and body types can burn calories simply by walking and swinging away.


As we endeavor to conduct the important work of bringing diversity to the game of golf, we appreciate your willingness to partner with us in this mission. SheWhoGolfs is a 501 ( C) (3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible. We thank you for your generous support.

Contact us.



6709 La Tijera Blvd, Suite 181, Los Angeles, CA 90045

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